What We Believe

The Scriptures

We believe every word of the Bible has been inspired by God without error in the original writings. This includes the Old and New Testaments. The Bible is complete, and we receive no new revelation from God today. As the Word of God, it is our supreme authority for faith and life.

The Triune God

We believe in one eternal God who exists as three coequal, coeternal persons: Father, Son, and Spirit. He is unchanging, self-sustaining, all-powerful, all-knowing, and present everywhere. He is perfect in holiness and love, reliable in justice, generous in mercy, the source of all good, and good in every way. As the maker and ruler of all things, he is worthy of all possible honor, praise, obedience, trust, love, and service.

The Lord Jesus Christ

We believe that the second Person of the triune God, through the virgin birth, became a human being while also retaining his deity as the eternal Son of God. He lived a perfect and sinless life, died as the once-for-all sacrifice for our sins, arose from the grave three days later (physically and spiritually), ascended to heaven in majesty and victory, and intercedes for those who believe on him.

The Holy Spirit

We believe that the third Person of the triune God has provided us with Scripture, persuades us to believe on Christ, and permanently indwells believers from the moment of salvation onward. He enables us to receive and obey the teaching of Scripture, overcome sinful behavior and temptation, serve other believers, and witness to nonbelievers.


We believe that Satan is a fallen, rebellious angel who is the powerful ruler of evil forces and is the cruel, divisive, and unholy god of this age. He is destined to fail and will receive final, eternal judgment in the Lake of Fire.


We believe that God created the universe and everything in it in a period of six solar days. Human beings did not evolve from another life form, but God created us directly and uniquely in his image so that we would reflect his glory and rule over his creation with him.

Gender & Marriage

We believe that God has designed the male and female genders as spiritually equal before him and mutually significant in the home, the church, and society, assigning to men and women distinct and special purposes and roles. Marriage is the union of one man and one woman for life, and God prohibits any sexual activity outside of or contrary to this union.

The Fall of Man

We believe that man sinned by disobeying the revealed will of God, receiving death as the necessary consequence. This consequence includes spiritual death (separation from God), physical death, and eternal death and punishment in the Lake of Fire. Every human being is born with a sinful nature in need of God’s salvation.


We believe that God saves anyone who will turn away from his or her sinfulness, false gods, and personal attempts at good works to believe on Christ alone as Lord and Savior. God provides this grace entirely through the death and resurrection of Christ. God guarantees every believer permanent forgiveness of sins, a restored relationship with him, and endless life in his kingdom.

The Church

We believe that the church is a spiritual fellowship of believers worldwide that functions as independent local congregations under the authority of Christ. A congregation consists of baptized, committed members who have joined together to govern themselves in harmony with Scripture, meet regularly for worship and biblical instruction, serve one another in love, and spread the good news of salvation to their community and world. A church may cooperate with other biblical churches to uphold sound doctrine and promote gospel outreach.

The Ordinances

We believe that Christ has instructed believers to obey two special commands: baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Those who believe on Christ for salvation should provide a clear testimony of faith through public baptism by immersion. This is a prerequisite for church membership. Church members should also participate in the Lord’s Supper with their church on a recurring basis to remember the significance of Christ’s death and look forward to his return. These practices do not provide salvation or secure God’s favor.

Behavior & Associations

We believe that we should refrain from worldly and immoral practices and philosophies which are contrary to God’s will as revealed in Scripture, including legalism and self-indulgence. As a church, we must also refrain from endorsing or partnering for religious causes with a person, church, or organization that identifies as ‘Christian’ and yet denies the essential doctrines of the Christian faith or causes doctrinal division within the church. Such entities include but are not limited to universalism, Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnessism, ecumenism, Roman Catholicism, Greek Orthodoxy, Charismaticism, King James Onlyism, the social gospel, the prosperity gospel, and liberation theology. We will seek fellowship with the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches at both the state and national level.

Civil Government

We believe that God appointed civil government to promote freedom, justice, and order in society. Believers should honor and pray for government officials, disobeying civil authorities only when they require disobedience to God.

The Future

We believe that Jesus Christ will return bodily, personally, suddenly, and visibly to Earth to establish his kingdom, fulfill his promises to his people, and make all wrongs right. He will physically resurrect all who have died, and we will all appear before him for a final judgment. Nonbelievers will suffer everlasting punishment in the Lake of Fire, and believers will enjoy life with Christ in the New Heaven and Earth forever.

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