The Sin of Worry
July 24th, 2024
IntroductionIn his first inaugural address, Franklin Roosevelt said to Americans, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”  In January of 1933, there were plenty of things of which Americans w...  Read More
by Will Baker
Inherited Sin
July 22nd, 2024
IntroductionWhat is the one thing that you could change about your life’s story that would have the greatest impact on who and here you are today? What is it that makes you the person that you are tod...  Read More
by Will Baker
The Dragon Wars on Heaven and Earth
July 21st, 2024
The Dragon Wars on Heaven and EarthRevelation 12:7-17John gives a dramatic portrayal of redemptive history. (12:1-6)Rev 12:1-5 gives us a dramatic portrayal of God’s redemptive plan in a symbolic form...  Read More
by Thomas Overmiller
The First Gospel
July 9th, 2024
IntroductionWhen hearing the word “epic”, what comes to mind?  The word has come to mean some different things in our time.  It has been used to name businesses, describe certain events or places and ...  Read More
by Mark Hulbert
Introducing the Woman, the Child, and the Dragon
July 7th, 2024
Revelation 12:1-6At the end of Rev 11, John introduces us to the seventh and final trumpet in the series of seven trumpet judgments. This series follows a series of seven seal judgments and precedes y...  Read More
by Thomas Overmiller
The Jerusalem Council and The Epistle of Galatians
June 30th, 2024
The Jerusalem Council (Acts 15)The Council was prompted by false teaching at Antioch of Syria.Jewish teachers from Judea propagated a wrong message to the believers at Antioch – that circumcision was ...  Read More
by Thomas Overmiller
The Sad Effects of Sin
June 30th, 2024
The Fall reveals the futility of self-rule and self-determination, as they attempted to be and behave as gods apart from God. The consequences of this attempt to take charge were three sad outcomes:...  Read More
by Thomas Overmiller
Announcing the Seventh Trumpet
June 30th, 2024
Revelation 11:15-19The seventh trumpet blows at last.After an electrifying buildup that introduced us to God’s two prophetic witnesses who will go toe-to-toe with the antichrist for 3.5 yrs. (Rev 10:1...  Read More
by Thomas Overmiller
Paul's Letters & Travels
June 23rd, 2024
Of the twenty-seven New Testament books, nearly half (thirteen) are letters which were written by the Apostle Paul.The General Structure of His LettersThough this structure occasionally varies in one ...  Read More
by Thomas Overmiller
The Tragic Entrance of Sin
June 23rd, 2024
Introduction‌Odysseus and his men were on their way home, getting ready to once again to set out to sea, but before they did, they were once again visited by the witch-goddess Circe. Though treacherou...  Read More
by Will Baker
The Two Witnesses
June 23rd, 2024
Revelation 11:1-14John gives another prophetic intermission.As he did in Rev 7:1-8:1, John gives us another prophetic intermission in Rev 10:1-11:14 between the sixth and seventh trumpet judgments. Th...  Read More
by Thomas Overmiller
The Making of a Godly Man, Family, Church & Community
June 16th, 2024
The StoryThe Book of DeuteronomyOften, we think of the Old Testament as sharply distinct from the New Testament.It is law versus grace.It is strange sacrifices versus church ordinances.It is duty vers...  Read More
by Jack Klem






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